Vocabulary to describe incident response by emergency respose services

  • Author:
    Last update:
    Namespace URI:
  • Abstract
    Vocabulary to describe the response to a incident by emergency services. This is NOT intended to describe the incident itself, it describes the response



  • Property: incident:arrivalTimestamp
    Arrival timestamp - The time the unit arrived at the incident location, this might not be automatically generated
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#arrivalTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
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  • Property: incident:arrivalTimestamp
    Arrival timestamp - The time the unit arrived at the incident location, this might not be automatically generated
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#arrivalTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:characteristicType
    Characteristic Type - The type of the recorded characteristic, preferably points to a SKOS concept
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#characteristicType
    Domain: incident:Characteristic
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:deployedUnit
    Unit deployed - The unit deployed to a incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#deployedUnit
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: rdfs:Resource
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:deploymentEndTimestamp
    End of the deployment - The time the unit was no longer needed at the incident.
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#deploymentEndTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:deploymentEndTimestamp
    End of the deployment - The time the unit was no longer needed at the incident.
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#deploymentEndTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:deploymentStartTimestamp
    Deployment Start - The time that a unit is send out to a incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#deploymentStartTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:deploymentStartTimestamp
    Deployment Start - The time that a unit is send out to a incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#deploymentStartTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:hasCharacteristic
    has Characteristic - Relation between characteristics and incidents
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#hasCharacteristic
    Domain: incident:IncidentRecord
    Range: incident:Characteristic
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:hasDeployment
    Has Deployment - a deployment of a unit to a incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#hasDeployment
    Domain: incident:IncidentRecord
    Range: incident:Deployment
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:hasNote
    hasNote - The relation between a incident and the text notes
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#hasNote
    Domain: incident:IncidentRecord
    Range: incident:Note
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:incidentRecordEndTimestamp
    Incident Record end timestamp - the time the emergency response services are no longer involved in the incident.
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#incidentRecordEndTimestamp
    Domain: incident:IncidentRecord
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:incidentRecordEndTimestamp
    Incident Record end timestamp - the time the emergency response services are no longer involved in the incident.
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#incidentRecordEndTimestamp
    Domain: incident:IncidentRecord
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:incidentRecordStartTimestamp
    Incident Record timestamp - The time the recordinf of the incident response begins
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#incidentRecordStartTimestamp
    Domain: incident:IncidentRecord
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:incidentRecordStartTimestamp
    Incident Record timestamp - The time the recordinf of the incident response begins
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#incidentRecordStartTimestamp
    Domain: incident:IncidentRecord
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:isDeploymentOf
    is Deployment of - This is a deployment to a specific incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#isDeploymentOf
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: incident:IncidentRecord
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  • Property: incident:location
    Location - The location of the incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#location
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  • Property: incident:mobilizationTimestamp
    Mobilization timestamp - The time the unit is mobilized, when it starts heading to the incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#mobilizationTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
    [back to top]
  • Property: incident:mobilizationTimestamp
    Mobilization timestamp - The time the unit is mobilized, when it starts heading to the incident
    URI: http://vocab.resc.info/incident#mobilizationTimestamp
    Domain: incident:Deployment
    Range: xsd:dateTime
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